Timbers from a water mill and the shaft section of the mill’s waterwheel emerge from an eroding river bank. Scouring by cake ice during the winter of 2010-2011 and strong currents in the spring of 2011 flushed the shaft from the bank and exposed the timbers. More about it under Mills/Apple River.
This website had been “under development” since Mar 21, 2021. Today – Friday Sep 1, 2023 – is the official launch!
It’s about days gone by on the Parrsboro shore, with a focus on the industrial technologies of those days.
The website includes descriptive materials based on my experiences growing up in the Parrsboro area in the 1940s and ’50s in a family involved with seafaring, ship building, lumbering; and historic research material gathered since the early 1970s from private collections, archival holdings, interviews with older residents living on the East Coast of Canada, and from visits to Europe’s historic water and wind powered mills. Continue reading